Liturgy Committee - Be part of the planning of the liturgy for our Masses Sacristans - Make ready everything needed before, during, and after Mass Altar Linens - Launder and press Altar linens for the Sanctuary and the Chapel. Wedding Coordinator - Assist couples in planning and executing their wedding ceremony at St. Bridget's. Extraordinary Eucharistic Minster - Distribute the Holy Eucharist at Mass. Lector - Read and proclaim the Word of God during Mass. Baptismal Bibs - Sew and/or embroider baptismal bibs for the new baptized babies in our parish. Altar Servers - Assist Father at the altar at regular Mass and special Masses (i.e. funerals, anointing Masses, etc). Open to 4th graders through adults. Music Ministry - Enhance our worship by singing in the choir or playing an instrument at Masses. Ushers - Greet and assist parishioners with church seating at Masses. Helps with the offertory and Communion processions. Greeters Ministry - Welcome parishioners, guests, and all to church at Masses and create a warm, hospitable environment throughout our campus. Video Recording - Volunteer to help video record the Mass and other events.