The parishioners on our Parish Healing Prayer List are in need of prayer for healing due to illness or other challenging circumstances. A shortened lists of the list is published in our bulletin each week so that parishioners can see the new names and pray for God's grace to comfort and heal our brothers and sisters in Christ through the mercy of God. The complete list can be found below or once in a month in our bulletin.
Thank you for offering your prayers to those in the parish seeking God's healing and love. "The prayer of the righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16
If you or someone you know would like to be added to the prayer list, please contact the Director of Pastoral Care at 651-257-2474 x125 or Please also contact the Director of Pastoral Care if a loved one or you are on our parish healing list and are no longer in need of special prayers.
Our Parish Healing Prayer LIst
This is our current and complete list of those on our Parish Healing List. Please pray for these individuals, that they may receive the healing grace and comfort of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may find the complete list of the Parish Healing Prayer List in our bulletin once a month as well.